This is my fourth full-length novel, and I think I’m finally starting to hit my stride as a writer. I’ve learned so much about story structure and the craft of writing from my CP’s and mentors in the last three years, since my first book was published. I read it now and compare it to Dalí—it’s like night and day. Dalí is also in first-person, which I’ve never done before outside short stories. I felt like it allowed me to get inside their head in a way I haven’t quite mastered with third person. I hope to continue to grow and improve in my craft.
2. I see from your bio that you're a nurse. Has your job helped inspire or inform any aspects of your writing?
When I started writing Dalí, I was working as a hospice nurse. The aspect of dysfunctional grieving was something we dealt with, and I think that background helped me to portray it accurately in the character. In other things I’ve written, I believe my medical background provides a realistic outlook when writing death scenes or injuries. There’s no such thing as “just a scratch”!
3. How do you go about writing your full-length novels? Is there a lot of planning involved, or do you write and see what happens?
I am an unapologetic pantser. I love it when the characters just kind of take over and start to write their own destiny. I will have a basic idea of where I’m going, usually no bigger than a paragraph. Sometimes it’s just a scene that was stuck in my head, and I write the story around it.
4. Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Wars was my first love! I was a giddy kid again when The Force Awakens came out. However, I really loved ST:TNG and most of the spinoff shows afterwards.
5. If you could send your teenage self a 140-character-or-less message, what would it be?
Go to nursing school. You won’t regret it. Writing is your true love and will keep you sane. Don’t stop when he tells you it’s dumb. Yes, you like boys and girls. Go with it.
6. How do you choose the names for your settings when writing fiction?
I play with people’s names and make them planets! I also look up ancient languages for words I like. There is some Babylonian thrown in to my galactic mix.
7. Marvel or DC?
Marvel all the way, but DC has Wonder Woman and Spiderman...
8. Thanks so much for your time! I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts. How can people buy your books?
Thank you for taking the time to interview me! Dalí will be published August 7, 2017. It will be available in e-book and print on Amazon, and Smashwords, the Nine Star Press website, and other online book retailers!
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